Babel the Mother of World Religions

2 min readSep 2, 2022

Babel the Mother of World Religions and Origin of all False Belief Systems


… before Abraham was, I am.

– John 8.58 b

Since the beginning, when God created humanity, He made himself and his ways known to everyone. Rom1. Besides the witness he put in the heart of all people, He always had men of God share His message to the rest of the world (Where my servant is there i am also).

He also established covenants throughout time to those who had faith in him; the first covenant was with Adam. The next we are told about in Scripture is the covenant with Noah. Noah was a righteous man who shared Gods word with the world, but when they didn’t listen and where destroyed, he share Gods word with his children. It was only 3 generation after Noah, until Nimrod, Noah’s grandson, began to rebel before God and lead the people in Shinar to build a temple that was meant to oppose God.

The Bible tells us that Nimrod was a mighty hunter before (against) the Lord. The exact purpose of the tower is debated by scholars, but one thing is known it was an opposition to God purpose. This was either because God told the people to spread out over the earth, or because they were going to worship other gods (demons) on it. The tower was never competed because God confused their language cause them to begin spreading out over the world.

It is interesting to find that many remnants of the ancient world belief systems have within it, a monotheistic based faith or had a supreme almighty deity above other lesser deities. Gradually, every nation would fall into polytheistic belief system which we know through scripture, this was the worship of demons. Lev 34.14–16, Deut 32.17. As these nations fell away from God, God chose Abraham to be His messenger to spread the truth of His word to the world, through his children the Israelites; this is when the covenant was formed with Abraham.

Ancient Kings Reference Pre-Deluge Texts

We have references of ancient kings reading pre-deluge texts presumable from Noah or one of the sons of Noah. In 1853 a statement was uncovered by Hormuzd Rassam in Ashurbanipal library in Nineveh from the time era of the 7th century B.C.E.

“ I read the beautiful clay tablets from Sumer and the Akkadian writing, which is hard to master. I had the joy of reading inscriptions on stone from the time before the flood.”

– King Ashurbanipal, an ancient king of the Assyrian Empire

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